Not a Forever-Goodbye

About a week ago, I told my oldest students the story of the events surrounding this post from eight years ago. After moving seven times in five years, constantly starting over and proving myself repeatedly, I thought I'd found my place to put down roots -- only to have the rug ripped out from under... Continue Reading →

A Year of Reading

In the town we lived in when my kids were born, our local library had a "1000 Books by Kindergarten!" program. Kids who reached this achievement won their names on the wall, a free book, and even a stuffed animal, I think. I'm not really sure, because I never signed my kids up for it.... Continue Reading →

What’s Your Why?

I was sitting in a faculty meeting last week, and the line was used about how teaching isn't a job, it's a ministry. It was hard not to cringe because I've heard this line used so many times to gaslight and guilt trip burned out teachers into meeting every possible need except their own. Thankfully,... Continue Reading →

Reflections from the Pause Button

I should write something. That thought has passed through my head multiple times over the past few *ahem* months since my last update.  I've tried a few times.  I came close to a complete post once, but nothing ever came to fruition.  And yet, I still keep getting new followers and new comments on old... Continue Reading →

It’s Not Just Me

I had a chance to catch up with a high school friend yesterday. What started as a few random texts and an accidental butt-dial turned into an hour-long conversation catching up on major life events and commiserating about the challenges of adult life. At one point she commented on how nice it was that, even... Continue Reading →

Still Growing

Now that we're settled in a more permanent place, I have the task of sorting through all those boxes that have been collecting in storage over the years.  The basic home-living type boxes were unpacked early and quickly.  Those were fun to open - discovering items I'd forgotten that we own, since we hadn't used... Continue Reading →

Lady in Waiting

It's amazing how much time we spend in life waiting.  I've waited for jobs, for apartments, and for answers that never came.  I've waited for phone calls, for a student to finally get it, and for things to finally settle down. Right now I'm waiting for the ultrasound that will tell me my baby's gender... Continue Reading →

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