About Mrs. Roberson


Update 9/5/2021 – I last updated the info below about about eight years ago. A lot has changed since then. I’m no longer nomadic, finally settled in central Wisconsin. I have two daughters – one in elementary school and one in preschool. I currently teach middle school language arts part time, though I think I’ll always consider myself a “high school teacher”. I took a break from blogging when my daughters were born to focus on family, but I’m back now, and just as excited about teaching as ever!

Everything else below holds true. I first wrote it nine years ago, during a state of constant flux and a phase of life when I was literally moving cross-country every three months. I poured my passion for teaching into my blog because it was the only thing I had. It’s my history and I don’t want to erase it, despite my life changes. Plus, my opinions about teenagers haven’t changed, so it’s worth a read to get to know me better.

About Me:  I’m Mrs. Roberson.  I am a Christian high school English teacher with a passion for teens.  My husband and I move a lot, so in the past five years I’ve lived and worked in six different states, and we still aren’t “settled” yet (now we are).  Throughout my career I’ve been a full-time English teacher, substitute teacher, SAT Prep and College Admissions teacher, private tutor, and youth group mentor.  I’ve been married for seven (now 14) wonderful years, and my husband and I have a happy, energetic goldendoodle (she passed – now we have two different dogs).  I have nerdy tendencies, as demonstrated by my love of Shakespeare, dystopian literature, Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Firefly, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who.  My husband has managed to educate me on the world of comic book super heroes well enough to impress my students.

I think teenagers are amazing people.  I love their enthusiasm and energy.  I love how they believe they can change the world – and the crazy thing is, they aren’t wrong.  If you think teens are inherently lazy bums incapable of working hard and achieving great things, a lot of what I have to say isn’t going to make sense to you.

About the Blog:  Emerging Adulthood.  The Rise of the “Kidult.” The Boomerang Generation.  Peter Pan Syndrome.   However you want to spin it, for good or for bad, young people today are taking longer to grow up.  Nowadays, people can take as long as their late twenties or early thirties before they fully shoulder the responsibilities of adult life.  This trend worries me.  I wonder when we’ll reach Neverland, when people just won’t grow up at all.

There is a fundamental gap in the education system when it comes to preparing teens and young adults for the realities of life after academics, and I want to help solve the problem.  I was initially inspired by the works of Marcus Buckingham and Alex & Brett Harris.  The Harris brothers speak to the incredible potential of the teen years, while Marcus Buckingham focuses on strengths – what are they, how to discover them, what we do with them, etc.  I want to combine these ideas, bringing strength-based training to the teen level, and combine it with revamped career explorations.  I want to launch teens into the adult years with an exciting vision for their future, instead drifting into it unprepared.  I have the big ideas, but I still have a long way to go.

Now that I’ve been blogging for a while, I should also add that I like to write pieces of my own story into my musings.  I share anecdotes from my travels and diverse career experiences along the way.  I also reflect on my high school experience a fair amount (see here and here for the most significant bits).   And since I’m the introspective type, I also wrote a whole post about why I write about my adolescence, so feel free to check that one out as well.  🙂

As a final note, I invite the teenagers to participate in this blog.  Seriously, if you’re still reading this, I really want your input!  You are, after all, the front line and the insiders of my mission.  Please help me with my brainstorming!  Tell me what you want to know more about, what frustrations you face in high school, and what things you’d like to see discussed here.  You’re why I’m doing this, so please dive in with me!

Thank you!

54 thoughts on “About Mrs. Roberson

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  1. Hi. I’m a sophomore in a public school in the Chicago area. I want to go into Drama, English, and maybe Psychology.My real dream is to start up my own community theatre, or be head of a theatre/arts magnet school. My parents are obsessed with college. I’ve already been on over 20 college visits, and am very aware of the entire apps process. My parents are very controlling and want me to go into Neuroscience (ew, no). At the moment, I am working tirelessly on around 4-5 hours of homework a night on average, mostly because of my all honors/AP class load. I also have rehearsal for shows for about 2 hours a day. I worry about my future, but I really am glad that my parents have pushed me into such high end classes, because I know they will help me in the long run. Though, I am usually left out of fun activities with friends because of my busy schedule, and I often feel distant from many of my once close friends. I have a really good relationship with my family though, and I am thankful for their support through this entire high school process.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, Drama, English, and Psychology? I think you and I would get along very well! (In college I majored in English, minored in Theater, and I want to go back and get a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology). I’m glad you have such a strong support system, though I know dealing with parental pressure can be tough. AP credits are totally worth it when you get to college, trust me! It sounds like you have a good idea of what direction you want to explore. If you’re serious about running community theatre or school, I would encourage you to look into getting some training in either school administration or business management, in addition to studying Drama. If you want more on my ideas about preparing for college and future careers, check out my posts “Finding Purpose in College Prep” and “How I Got Here”. Those two posts talk a little bit about my experience and views on college studies. And I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have, you know, as an objective, outside opinion. 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


  2. That’s a noble goal, great job Mrs. Robenson. It is really a senstive stage between the study life and professional life. Good luck in your researches. I have a blog about careers, you may check my article about Professionalism at Work, it covers some tips for young people who are preparing for the professional life.


    1. Thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed the article you referred to on your blog, too. There’s a lot out there on looking professional, but not much in depth about professional behavior. Would it be alright if I used your article in a high school class some day? I’m only substitute teaching right now, but I’m always looking for good content to use when I do have my own classes again!


      1. Sure. Please feel free to use the article. Thanks for your note. Although I tried to get into more details but felt like it would be a very long article. Some topics, relating to professionalism, that need to be tackled separately in more details are like emotional intelligence and team collaboration. Looking forward to write about them in future.


  3. Hi!
    I’m a freshman in high school and I just wanted to say that it’s really invigorating to see a teacher who is so passionate about her work. To answer your questions… I have no idea what I want with my future! I love to read and write (which is why I just started blogging), but I also love math and science and robotics and all I really know at this point is that I want to stay in the world of academia. I haven’t had any job-shadowing experiences yet, but this summer I’m going to be volunteering at a world-class cancer research institution, which I’m extremely excited about. I’ve been lucky enough to go to a school with lots of great student support systems, and although I haven’t really done much in terms of getting involved in the college application process, I have gone to meet my guidance counselor. Again, thank you for being such a caring presence in the lives of those teens you work with–we need more people like you, even when we’re pretending to be grown-up and strong.


    1. Hi Jenny! First, you are remarkably articulate – not only in your comment here, but also in your blog posts! I’m so impressed. Thanks for stopping by and answering my questions. I don’t have a lot of answers myself, yet, but I love making connections with teens like you who are willing to explore the possibilities with me. You sound like you have plenty of options and resources open to you, and you’re actively exploring them already, which is awesome. Keep focusing on the activities you love to do, and I’m sure you will do very well and go far. And thanks for your support! I look forward to reading your future posts!


    1. Thank you, SarahK! I’m sorry it’s taken me a few days to respond to your lovely nomination. I promise I was very flattered when I saw your comment – and I still am! Hopefully I’ll get around to filling my nomination duties and passing on the love soon. And thanks for taking such an active interest in my work in general. I appreciate it every time I get a “like” notification from you. 🙂


  4. I think it is whether you are bothered to actually find or plan something for you future…Although, a lot of my teachers have helped with that, they just tell me what I am good at…alongside what I enjoy to try and see if there is a job for me…or not.


  5. Hey,

    Thanks for writing about teenagers. I really enjoyed your post on teen bloggers as I thought I was the only one until I came across this blog. I have just hit publish on a post telling everyone that, actually, I am a teen blogger. Hahaha, I was being really secretive about my age!

    I’m considering a career in drama or writing but probably drama because I don’t always know what to write about. I love acting and am going to try to get into one of the drama schools in London and get a BA in acting which is kind of crazy because in one particular school there was 2300 applicants for 26 places. They’re going to think I’m crazy when I go to the careers meetings in school next year and tell them this and even if I do get rejected from every single drama school, hey, it’s better regretting something you did do than regretting something you didn’t!

    I write on my blog and I’m writing my third draft of a book I have been writing. Even though I don’t want to be an author I really want to see this book published some day as I have been writing it since I was eleven and have put so much into it.

    Thanks again for writing about this, passionate teachers are always the best!


  6. Inspired is what I felt after I read your bio, it is so great that you are so passionate about education and the future generations. I work as a special education paraprofessional and know the importance of a teacher and a great teacher. You are it! Keep up the good work and I look forward to following your journey. My gratitude is yours, Allie


  7. Praise God for attempts at what you are doing. It definitely is hopeful to know people like you exist.

    My hope was to work as a Christian youth worker, after becoming qualified as psychotherapist. Teens were my focus at that point, especially because of some of the struggles I went through as well as the excitement of those years. In hindsight, I realize that it is a time of tremendous potential too.
    Later, God inspired me to take up theology, after a post graduation in clinical psychology. So I’m on my way to working full time as a pastor. By this time, I have interacted with hundreds of teenagers through vacation bible Schools, Sunday Schools, christian camps, etc. I hope to work with teens along with youth and young couples, in the future, when I become a pastor.

    One of the important things, I feel is to help them develop a healthy ‘self’ image. Many YES’ could have been NO’s if they had the courage to stand up for themself. Secondly, instilling the right values from a younger age (and there comes the need of effective parenting) is very important. What they learn young remains at the base of their character. Here, I go for Christian values (basic christian values of love, forgiveness, concern for the ‘other,’ community, etc. rather than a question of whether Evangelical or Catholic teaching). Thirdly, community in the form of fellowship – it is unabashedly spiritual at the core, yet helps relate on the basis of oneness and togetherness.

    Great posts, great efforts. I was inspired by your writing especially because we are of the same age (going by https://teenchange.wordpress.com/2013/07/02/the-facebook-generation/). If someone of my age has taken such great efforts and has accomplished this much, what am I waiting for, thought I!


  8. International student, entering Freshman at Tufts University this fall. Your students must be very lucky to have you! I’m very impressed by your mission. In reply to your questions: yes college guidance counselor, no job shadowing (but yes internships), and I discovered my potential majors on my own (mostly).


  9. ‘I really like your writing’ should be pretty obvious so I’ll say I really like your blog instead (even though I’ve clearly written both things) 😀


  10. Dear Mrs. Robertson,

    I am so glad that Freshly Pressed helped me find your blog. I am freshly subscribed! I loved what you said in your FP post about students trying to get teachers off track. But it’s great fun to let them go on thinking they’re so sneaky and clever, as if no student has ever tried those tactics before.

    I sense a kindred spirit in you! I too am a high school English teacher at a small Christian school. I too love to blog (emilymullaswilson.wordpress.com). I too have been married for a while (9 years) and moved a lot (18 times total!). I love golden retrievers inordinately (mine was named Othello), Shakespeare is my muse, Doctor Who is my secret nerdy obsession, and I just recently got on board the Harry Potter bandwagon, only to discover that the fourth movie is a terrible disappointment (what about the blast-ended skroots???).

    But I mostly loved what you had to say about teenagers. Most adults complain about teenagers, and many of their complaints are valid. Few people know better than high school teachers how whiny, ungrateful, and annoying teens can be. But if you take a moment to really understand where teens are coming from, you can see that these undesirable qualities come from deep insecurities and fears about the future. Teens’ frustrating attributes arise from a lack of wisdom and maturity, and those are reasons for us to reach out to teens, not shun them or write them off. The beautiful thing about teenagers is that most of them have not yet adopted the hard-edged cynicism of the world. I find adults far more frustrating and exhausting.

    Well, that is enough for a comment that has turned into a soapbox. I can’t wait to read your past posts and see what else you write.


    Mrs. Emily Wilson

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Your passion for writing shines through your blog and your enthusiasm reminds me of my teacher who passed away. I kept a promise for him to make it university and here I am studying geology. Hand on heart, I believe there’s a student out there who kept a promise for you! Keep up with the excellent writing, please.


  12. Thanks for writing this blog! My English teachers are always my favorites.
    I can’t seem to find anyone else who is a combination of imaginative and nerdy. I love that you’ve started a blog, as I have always wanted to see things from a teacher’s perspective. (Unfortunately, whenever my teachers had a blog, they refused to give us the address 😦 )
    Thanks for the wonderful blog…
    In addition, it’s brilliant to meet people with the same interests as me… Harry Potter, Doctor Who, English, and Blogging… that’s basically my whole life! 😛


  13. Hi! I love your bio and think you must be an outstanding teacher. You sound like the teacher that all of the kids love and hang out with and want to eat lunch with. I look forward to reading more! 🙂 I teach middle school (creative writing and newspaper) and love love love my job, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hey
    I’m from Germany and ave gone to school here, but we do have the same problem. I am working as a dance teacher right now because it is my passion and I can’t yet decide which subject I want to further my education in.
    But we often get students as interns and they often get very frustrated and disappointed during the first week, even though we try to give them as much insight and working experience as possible. They just didn’t expect that wanting to catch a train is no excuse for leaving early, filling up refrigerators and counting money is also part of the job and that working in front of customers nearly all day means mobile phones and private stuff are forbidden all day.

    They come with the expectation that we kind of drop down before their feet and thank them for having come to our dance studio.
    I know it’s not their fault – but they are the ones who have to deal with it and I remember that experience well, as my graduation is not that long ago and I am still trying to find a roughly sketched way to follow.

    Thank you for your blog, perhaps it will inspire some other teachers, or parents to teach their teens what they really need to know.

    Greetings from Germany, I hope my English is not too bad.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I love your blog. I’m twenty years old, so not quiet a teen but I can still relate to some of your posts 😉 I gave you a follow and can’t wait to read some more. Hopefully you can give my blog a read!



  16. I just found this great blog and as I read I keep finding myself nodding enthusiastically to what you’re saying. I’m in my first year of college now, but my experiences in high school definitely still have an effect on me and the way I approach education. I had a lot of negative, nonconstructive educational experiences as a teenager, and I’m still struggling to enjoy learning in the classroom despite how much the material interests me. I also never really had the opportunity to learn effective studying methods or ways of coping with stress, so finals was absolute hell last semester when finals arrived and I realized just how unprepared I was.


  17. Hey, just found your blog 🙂

    As a recent high school graduate, I still have quite a lot of teenagery aspects within myself. I think. Maybe.

    Anyway, Look forward to reading your blog.

    I also like shakespeare, Narnia, Tolkien and such. With the exception of Doctor Who and comic book superheroes.


  18. As a senior in high school, I agree with your statement about how it takes longer and longer for young people to shoulder responsibilities – I can only hope that college students will be more responsible and I’m fully prepared to experience the fact that they won’t be – but one must always be hopeful!!

    I too love Shakespeare and am such a Harry Potter fan! And Doctor Who, and and and……

    I look forward to reading more of your blog posts as I have the time to .


  19. I, as a teen think you have a great vision for my generation and I agree with you 100% on what you are doing. I think us teens have a vision for ourselves but we need the guidelines to know what is waiting for us at the end of the tunnel. I myself want a career with teens (teen clinical physiologist) and I have a blog on the things teens go through when media is such a big impact on us.


  20. Hello I am really considering becoming a substitute teacher, this is my Senior year of high school and would like some tips on how to go about this. Some of my options have been community college…completing an associates degree in Early Childhood or a Fine Arts one and then proceed to take a state Substitute test. Would you recommend this? Any input would be highly appreciated!


    1. If you haven’t already, I would recommend finding a way to spend time in an actual classroom (not as a student) before you take the test to make sure you like it. Classrooms look much different from the other side of the teacher’s desk! If you study Early Childhood, I’m sure they would have you do some practicum work in the field, but if you study something else you may have to take some initiative to get some experience. Also, substitute teaching as your primary job can be hard financially. Unless you’re fortunate enough to find a job as a permanent building sub (which I never have), work isn’t consistent or guaranteed. Sometimes I was super busy; sometimes I only worked 3 days in a month, which meant I made less than $300 that month. Not enough for rent, much less other bills and groceries. I don’t want to scare you off, but I do think you should be aware of the risks. I think subbing is a great way to build experience, make professional connections, and earn some extra cash. I hesitate to recommend it as a long term career, simply because there isn’t much security in it. All that being said, I really enjoy subbing, and teachers need good subs who will care and do the job well, so if you can make it work for you financially (and some people can), more power to you!


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