Processing My Blog Explosion

I don’t know if you noticed… I didn’t immediately “deal” with the fact that my blog has suddenly gained a bigger audience.  I knew it was coming.  I received the e-mail telling me I would be featured on Freshly Pressed a few days before it actually happened, and since this is Round Two for me (um… what?!), I had a pretty good idea of what to expect.  Lots of Likes.  Lots of comments.  I’d begin with all the good intentions of replying to all of them, and then I’d give up and just start hitting “approve.”  Lots of new followers.  Lots of people clicking around my blog, liking and commenting on other posts, too.  And that’s exactly what happened.

Knowing it was coming didn’t mean that I was ready for it.  I watched it all unfold in front of me, but like last time, I kept myself a little detached.  Last time I had a very good reason for my detachment.  This time?  This time I think I was just intimidated by the idea of engaging in all the attention, discussion, and general blogging explosion.  I’m still coming to grips with the idea that my blog now has an audience.  Not just a few random people here and there, but a steady stream of visitors, complete strangers who are invested in hearing what I have to say.  In the past two weeks my blog has gained almost 400 more followers (hello to all of you!).  I knew it was coming.  My mind is still blown.

Thank you.

Thank you for all the kind, sincere comments.  Thank you for the interest you’ve taken in me.  I hope I can live up to the hype, but I don’t feel like I can.  That’s why I didn’t deal with it right away.  That’s why my first post after being Freshly Pressed was about teaching and didn’t address my current rush in popularity at all.  I don’t really know how to blog in the spotlight.

I’m just a teacher.  That’s it.  I teach English 10’s and monitor some study halls.  No master’s degree.  No great achievements to my name.  I’m a high school English teacher who likes to blog in her spare time.  Please don’t expect more than that from me.

OK, yeah, I’ve had some unique experiences.  I’ve traveled a lot, seen a lot of these great United States.  I’ve built some dreams for myself in the process and have been pretty vocal about those dreams here in the blogosphere.  Apparently people have connected to my experiences and my dreams, and so they’re interested in what I have to say.  Again, thank you.

It’s funny.  People in my life know about my blog, but I don’t really talk about it with anyone.  My friends and family read it. Sometimes they share my articles on Facebook when I don’t.  I don’t think any of my students or coworkers have discovered my blog yet, but it’s probably just a matter of time.  I’ve never tried to keep it a secret, but I also shy away from having actual conversations about it.  I don’t think I even verbally told anyone that I’d been Freshly Pressed again.  I find it weird to speak out loud about the things that I write.  I don’t know why.  I just do.

Maybe it’s because this blog only shows one side of who I am?  Because it’s intentionally an incomplete picture?  When I’m writing in my blog, I generally stay in the world of my professional career; I don’t delve into my personal life here.  I’ve mentioned my marriage and my husband in general terms, but for the most part, that piece of my life stays off the internet.  I’ve talked some about my family in regards to how it impacted my adolescence, but once again, I always tie it back to my professional experience and keep the most personal details out of the public eye.  

As much as I love my career, there’s a lot more to me and who I am.  And just like the fact that there are pieces of my life that you, my blogging audience, cannot see or live with me, the reverse is also true.  My friends and family see much more of my personal life than my professional life.  They know the teaching stories I bring home, but they aren’t here with me, living it and seeing it with their own eyes.  They don’t think of me as Mrs. Roberson, the teacher.  They know me as Christine, the wife, daughter, sibling, and friend.  For some reason I find it a bit disconcerting when my professional and personal worlds cross, so I don’t really talk about my blog.

I write the things that I find weird to say out loud.  I write the ideas that need a voice beyond my personal world.  My view of this blog has changed in the months I’ve been writing.  I started by sounding my barbaric yawp out into the world, wondering if anyone would listen.  Now I carry the weight of the knowledge that people are listening.

I’m still processing that, but thank you for listening.

23 thoughts on “Processing My Blog Explosion

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  1. You are more than “just a teacher. That’s it.” You make a difference in a student’s life each day, whether you know it or not. Of course, you know this and I don’t have to remind you of that. But don’t minimize what we (you) do!


    1. I am going to reply to myself because, after reading it, the tone was not right and may have come across as scolding you. That was not my intention at all. I was merely trying to say “Thank you” for doing a job that is hard and requires more time than anyone who isn’t a teacher (aside from our families) knows. We don’t do it because we want accolades (although that is nice once in a while) or because we want huge financial returns (though also more pay would be nice). We do it because we love kids and we make a difference EVERY day. So, again, thank you for sharing a glimpse of life in your classroom and keep inspiring young people!


      1. I didn’t take in a scolding way at all! 🙂 I know what you mean, and you’re right. It’s funny that I phrased it that way, because I sometimes get annoyed with other people when they use the word “just” in reference to teaching, and here I just did it myself. It’s a great profession, and thank you for your kind comments!


  2. I was a teacher for over thirty five years. i am now a distant thought in the minds of my students. For some I was a spark and for others a glitch. But I did exist and had purpose.


  3. “I write the things that I find weird to say out loud.” With 12 words you basically summed up the reason why I blog. I completely understand it. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed again!


  4. What I love about reading blogs is hearing from regular people. So I’m glad to hear your just a teacher. Besides, it’s pretty clear from your writing that you are not just a teach (a career perfessional) but a teacher who cares (a champion for improving lives).


  5. Wow. Simply wow. I cannot relate to your career, but I definitely enjoy reading what you write.
    No wonder you’re featured on Freshly Pressed. I’m only 17, and I hope that one day I will learn to write like you do.


  6. I feel exactly the same way you do about discussing my writing. For some reason, I just feel like that’s a separate part of me, and it just doesn’t mix with my everyday life. I see writing as a separate way to express myself.
    Maybe that’s what makes it so great?


  7. I think most of us find it easier to send our little posts out into the unknown to be read by strangers than to share it with the people close to us. Probably because we actually care what those people think, while we can brush off the responses of strangers. I am one of the “freshly pressed” newbies here, but thanks for your posts!


  8. Honesty. That is what appeals to us; even if it truncated to not include the other parts of your life. This post makes me think of a few lines from National Treasure, “People don’t really talk that way you, know?” – Abigail Chase “I know, but they think that way….” – Ben Gates


  9. Congratulations! You are a public figure now. And you are learning to live with it. Please, as that is an option, don’t give up. In time, you will become more comfortable with it.

    Sure, you got to decide what you post publicly and what stays private. I hope more people knew how to make that separation. I’m following you because you don’t share what you had for dinner or tell about that guy that tailgated you on your way back home (that would be boring, wouldn’t it?) I’m following you because you have nice experiences to share, experiences I would have no other way of knowing or understanding. I’m following you because you tell these experiences in an interesting way. (And beside, what’s a better way to improve my English — a second language — than to learn from a teacher?)

    Just stay who you are. Nobody is judging you. We are following you because we like what you do, and we are looking for more of the same.

    It seems it wasn’t that long ago that my comments were oddly alone at the bottom of your posts. Now I’m oddly lost in the crowd. And that’s a good thing, isn’t it?


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